• Ponávka 6, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno
  • Continuous operation




About us

The Department of Surgery of the Institute of Surgery in Brno with a long tradition provides care for surgical patients in the entire range of general surgery, including thoracic surgery, diagnostics, surgery, follow-up treatment and dispensary care of selected groups of patients. Emphasis is placed especially on urgent and acute conditions in continuous interaction with the diagnostic complex, consisting of the endoscopy centre, the imaging centre and other complement units. Early diagnosis significantly reduces the time needed to perform planned or acute surgery. Cavity injuries and severe post-operative conditions are managed as part of the consultative activity for severe trauma. In addition to acute conditions, the focus is on elective surgeries, the most common of which include gallbladder, hernia and appendectomy, as well as more extensive surgical procedures such as bowel resections and cancer procedures. About 70% of all procedures are performed minimally invasively using laparoscopic techniques. Patients are also provided with an extended range of procedures by urologists, gynaecologists and reconstructive and plastic surgeons. This multidisciplinary approach guarantees top quality procedures and facilities with state-of-the-art diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative care.

Our team


MUDr. Vladimír Melichar, CSc.

entrusted with the interim management

tel.: 545 538 580
e-mail: v.melichar@unbr.cz

Inpatient wards

Surgery A - Head doctor

MUDr. Jan Horáček

tel.: 545 538 540, 545 538 580
e-mail: j.horacek@unbr.cz

Station nurse

Bc. Lenka Maňáková

Surgery B - Head doctor

MUDr. Helena Vlachová

Tel: 545 538 709, 545 538 710
e-mail: h.vlachova@unbr.cz

Station nurse

Renata Havlíková

ICU B Surgery - Head doctor

MUDr. Jan Šavolt

tel.: 545 538 719
e-mail: j.savolt@unbr.cz

Station nurse

Mgr. Jiřina Vojancová, MBA

Planned consultations - within the general and specialised outpatient clinics of the Institute

Doctors of Surgery:

MUDr. Kateřina Gajdošíková, Ph.D.
MUDr. Jan Horáček
MUDr. Vít Hřiba
MUDr. Vladimír Hulka
MUDr. Adam Hučko
MUDr. Ladislav Kozumplík, CSc.
MUDr. Luděk Macků
MUDr. Jitka Maršová
MUDr. Vladimír Melichar, CSc.
MUDr. Roman Pěček
MUDr. Linda Rozsypalová
MUDr. Hana Slobodníková
MUDr. Martin Sobotka
MUDr. Jan Šavolt
MUDr. Zuzana Šavolt
MUDr. Helena Vlachová


general surgery:
MUDr. M. Sobotka (Mon, Wed, Fri 7.00-15.00)
Phone. 545 538 349


endoscopy and general surgery :
MUDr. L. Kozumplík, CSc. (Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8.00-12.00)
MUDr. J. Maršová (Tue: 8.00-12.00)

MUDr. I. Čechová (Mon, Tue: 8.00-14.30; Thu 8.00-12.00)

MUDr. J. Šavolt (Mon: 10.00-12.00)
MUDr. L. Macků (Mon: 13.30-15.00)
MUDr. V. Hřiba (Tue: 10.00-12.00)
MUDr. J. Horáček (Tue: 13.00-15.00)

plastic surgery, hand surgery:
MUDr. H. Vlachová (Wed: 8.00-12.00)


Performed performances

We provide diagnostics and therapy:

1. In the field of general surgery
2. In the field of cavity and parenchymal injuries
3. In the treatment of selected urological and gynaecological diseases
diseases and plastic surgery

In the field of specialised and extension disciplines:

thoracic surgery:

  • less invasive thoracic surgery - diagnosis and therapy

digestive surgery
- treatment of diseases in the whole digestive tube including coloproctology and surgery of rectal diseases (hemorrhoids, tears, prolapses, incontinence, etc.).

pancreatobiliary, liver and spleen surgery and classic standard abdominal surgery,

 thyroid surgery

 vascular surgery - varicose vein surgery

reconstructive surgery - treatment of trophic and loss defects of the skin and deep tissues of the limbs and trunk, including diabetic defects and post-traumatic conditions, treatment of joint and bone infections

minimally invasive surgery:

  • laparoscopic procedures - on the gallbladder and bile ducts, kidneys and adrenal glands, diaphragm, diaphragmatic hiatus and esophagus, stomach, procedures for diseases of the digestive tube, for varicocele, laparoscopic hernioplasties, laparoscopic operations in the retroperitoneum, laparoscopic appendectomies, gynaecological operations and laparoscopic disruption of adhesions in the abdominal cavity after previous operations
  • thoracoscopic procedures - diagnostic and therapeutic procedures on the chest wall, lungs, esophagus, thoracic sympathetic


  • biliodigestive and colorectal surgery
  • urology - prostate, kidney and bladder surgery

In general, the specialised teams of the surgical department cover the vast majority of surgical operations, both standard and minimally invasive. The practice covers the full spectrum of surgical conditions (acute and chronic), from abdominal, thoracic and oncological diseases to trauma, plastic and reconstructive procedures.

Treatment of oncological diseases is carried out in cooperation with specialised indication committees and in connection with the Brno oncological workplaces.

Workplace equipment

The Surgical Department has 3 standard wards (2 aseptic, 1 septic), a multidisciplinary ICU, 3 operating theatres (aseptic and septic) and a complement of ambulances. The instrumentation includes a modern CT scan, including 3D, angiographic examination, sonographic examination and the possibility of ordering an MRI. The equipment includes 2 laparoscopic towers and two harmonic scalpel machines.

Information for patients

For our patients we offer as standard:

  •  for some types of surgery, the choice of operating procedures
    (laparoscopic procedures, hernia repairs),
  •   possibility of postoperative telephone consultations,
  •   possibility of appointment for examination,
  •  the possibility of short-term hospitalization,
  •   short appointment times for hospitalization,
  •   specialized treatment at a high professional level,
  •   pleasant environment in 2-5 bed rooms,
  •   friendly nursing staff, good cuisine,
  •   day surgery


We can provide superior services in the area of hotel services:

  • the possibility of staying in a single room with telephone and TV;
  • sanitary facilities are a matter of course;
  • for some diseases it is possible to accommodate a person close to the patient (relative, partner, etc.)

Pedagogical activity


Within the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University in Brno:

teaching general and special surgery as part of regular studies :

  • General Medicine
  • Nursing,


Within the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University in Brno:

  • doctoral studies
  • attestation preparation

Accreditation according to Act No. 95/2004 Coll.
Educational program Surgery, AP II. type,
valid until 21.10.2024

For non-medical health personnel, the following are ongoing:

Lectures, seminars, practical teaching within the pre-test specializations in the field

  • surgical nurse specialist
  • perioperative nurse
  • training of paramedics and rescue workers